On Wed, 12 Apr 2017 04:39:35 -0500, Rugxulo wrote:
> It worked fine (redirecting) for me yesterday! I can't imagine why it
> wouldn't work for you.
> Oh, before I forget, are you perhaps invoking NDISASM via some .BAT?
> Of course a .BAT doesn't really redirect (under FreeCOM) without kludge,
> e.g. "%COMSPEC% /c".

Ha, yes - you nailed it, Rugxulo. Indeed I was calling ndisasm from 
within a sneaky ndisasm.bat file (auto-generated by FDNPKG inside my 
PATH). As said before, I didn't really investigate the problem (for a 
reason that should be obvious by now) - saw it doesn't work out of the 
box, went to the "-l" nasm listing, done. But thanks to you the reason is 
clear now. It's at least the second time this "FDNPKG generates BAT 
files" thing bites me. I should definitively address this problem 
eventually. I have to say however that I prefer the "-l" listing anyway, 
because it preserves the comments (even though it lies a little bit 
sometimes on the JZ thing).

> Maybe you should use Lazy Assembler (LZASM)?!

Didn't know that one (too lazy to google it out), but it does sound 
extremely well suited to me!


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