On Sat, Jan 6, 2018 at 11:15 AM, Samuel V. via Freedos-user
<freedos-user@lists.sourceforge.net> wrote:
> I was thinking that it could become necessary to start implementing a
> FreeDOS version that included natively its own BIOS, and that this
> combination of FreeDOS/BIOS is implemented entirely native as 32 or 64-bit
> code, to keep using the known DOS environment, the same DOS/BIOS INT calls
> programming style (now also with other ways to call services), but extending
> everything to more modern CPU modes.

And just who would *do* this?

Part of the problem for FreeDOS is that the people who *could* do it
tend to have other things to do with their time, like 32/64bit code
they get *paid* to write.

> Would you use a FreeDOS version that was entirely native to 32 or 64 bits?

Probably not.

I ran DOS, back when the original IBM-PC was setting a standard.  But
DOS wasn't first OS I dealt with.  That was OS/VS1 (later OS/MVS) on
an IBM mainframe.  I also logged time on Digital Equipment Corp.
mini-computers, running DEC's RSTS-E, RSX11M+, and VAX/VMS OSes, and
had a Unix machine running AT&T System V Release 2 at home before I
got my first PC.  I also dealt with Novell Netware, OS/2 Warp,
WindowsNT, SCO Open Server, Sun Solaris, and several flavors of Linux.

Early DOS was constrained by limited early hardware.  My first PC was
an XT clone with a 4.77ghz Intel 8088 CPU, 640K of RAM, CGA graphics
and dual 360K 5.52" floppies.  I swapped in a 10mhz motherboard using
a NEC v20 CPU, added an AST 6-Pak card with a megabyte of additional
RAM allocated to a RAMdisk, disk cache, and EMS memory for
applications that could use it, and had a pair of 20 megabyte Seagate
ST-225 MFM hard drives.

I spent a fair bit of time looking for software to fill in the things
I missed from Unix.  I got it fairly well tricked out, but when more
powerful hardware came along, I migrated, and the more powerful
hardware included more powerful OSes.

These days I run Windows 10 Pro and Ubuntu Linux. I got FreeDOS
because it was fun to play with and exercise some muscles that hadn't
been used in a while.  I can (and do) run an assortment of older DOS
programs under vDOS+ on Windows, and DOSBox under Linux.  (For that
matter, I have a few running on my Android tablet under an Android
port of DOSBox.)

But those are just for fun. Actual *work* gets done elsewhere, because
it mostly can't be *done* under DOS.

Given that what I do wants an actual multitasking OS with support for
multiple users as a bonus, a 32/64bit native DOS version doesn't hold
much appeal.  I simply wouldn't have enough to do with it.

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