My talk was accepted so I'll be presenting in 4 weeks:


On 1 December 2017 at 08:56, Bart Oldeman
<> wrote:
> Hi guys,
> (still lurking but not a lot of time... over the past years)
> I'll be at FOSDEM for work related purposes (HPC devroom). Since I'll
> be there anyway I submitted a proposal for Retrocomputing to talk
> about DOSEMU and FreeDOS.
> One exciting development that somehow was missed is that there is
> finally a GCC port with support for far pointers
> ( I have been able to compile the
> FD kernel with it and run the result, though it needs various changes.
> I would have never guessed in 2000 that this would be possible in 2017!
> I'll be in touch with you Jim if my proposal gets accepted; I am not
> sure if for retrocomputing the deadline was extended or not (for the
> HPC devroom it is today).
> Bart

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