Yes I see the same behavior with a fresh formatted c Drive image and
mounted the iso.

On Wed, Sep 25, 2019 at 12:30 AM Jon Brase <> wrote:

> I managed to get the installer to pull packages off the CD, but one thing
> you may be running into is that QEMU de-assigns ISO images from the
> emulated CD drive when the OS sends a disk eject command. On a physical
> machine, if the CD drive ejects a disk you're still using, you notice it
> and just push the tray back in, but in a VM it's a rather annoying behavior
> for the ISO to be completely unassigned, as you don't see that happen, and
> on reboot it causes the disk to no longer be in the drive.
> When you start the VM fresh with the CD image and freshly formatted HDD
> image specified, do you get the same error?
> -------- Original message --------
> From: Jon Brase <>
> Date: 9/25/2019 00:02 (GMT-06:00)
> To: "Discussion and general questions about FreeDOS." <
> Subject: Re: [Freedos-user] Issue installing FreeDOS on Raspberry Pi 3
> Interesting, I did have a similar issue on real hardware recently, though
> the situation was enough different that I'm not sure whether they match up,
> and I didn't so much resolve it as work around it.
> I generally use virt-manager rather than the command line to set up QEMU
> VMs. I'm not sure what QEMU defaults to on the command line for things that
> aren't specified (details of how the emulated hardware is presented to the
> guest OS and such).
> I may try installing FreeDOS in a VM on my machine to see if I can
> duplicate the issue there.
> -------- Original message --------
> From:
> Date: 9/24/2019 23:21 (GMT-06:00)
> To: "'Discussion and general questions about FreeDOS.'" <
> Subject: Re: [Freedos-user] Issue installing FreeDOS on Raspberry Pi 3
> Sorry for the confusion.  I’m new to QEMU.
> So…
> I created the image with the below command:
> *qemu-img create dos.img 200M*
> This is my command line to execute QEMU and mount the drives and emulate
> devices is below:
> *qemu-system-i386 -m 16 -k en-us -rtc base=localtime -device cirrus-vga
> -fda FLOPPY.img -hda freedos.img -cdrom FD12CD.iso -boot order=d*
> I have also tried to minimize the command to just:
> qemu-system-i386 -fda FLOPPY.img -had freedos.img -cdrom FD12CD.iso -boot
> order=d
> I believe the issue is that after it reboots from partitioning and
> formatting the C drive it no longer sees the CDROM when trying to access
> the source packages.  I issues trying to list the directory on the D drive
> when I exit from the installer.
> *From:* Jon Brase <>
> *Sent:* Tuesday, September 24, 2019 11:09 PM
> *To:* Discussion and general questions about FreeDOS. <
> *Subject:* Re: [Freedos-user] Issue installing FreeDOS on Raspberry Pi 3
> FreeDOS (x86 software) won't boot (natively) on the Raspberry Pi 3 (ARM
> hardware), so if you got as far as to be able to select "install to hard
> disk", you must be using an x86 emulator, and, indeed, your screenshot
> shows that you're using QEMU. To minimize confusion, you should lead with
> the information that you're using QEMU, and follow it up with the fact that
> you're on a non x86 platform, as there are differences in how QEMU handles
> guest code for the same architecture that it's running on and how it
> handles code for other architectures.
> I myself haven't run FreeDOS on any platform other than x86 PCs, so I'm
> not sure how much help I can be, but can you say what emulated peripherals
> you set up for your FreeDOS  VM in QEMU?
> -------- Original message --------
> From:
> Date: 9/24/2019 22:15 (GMT-06:00)
> To:
> Subject: [Freedos-user] Issue installing FreeDOS on Raspberry Pi 3
> I have tried multiple times to install FreeDOS on Raspberry Pi3.
> I have created a 100M and 200M raw disk image.
> Mounted the Standard and then tried with the Legacy ISO.
> Both will boot the ISO, partition and format the hard disk. But when I
> reboot and select the Install to Harddisk after it goes to gathering
> settings a couple of minutes go by and I get:
> I have also tried to mount the floppy.img as well as the ISO and boot from
> floppy with the same results.
> Has anyone seen this and been able to resolve it?
> Thank you,
> Chris
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