On Sun, Oct 18, 2020 at 01:39:41AM +0800, TK Chia wrote:

> I guess it cannot hurt to ask a few questions:
>   1) What does the PC say that the "current date" is, at startup?

It properly keeps hour:minutes, month and day - just changes the "year"
always to "2094".

I came up with workaround - since the year part changes just once a year,
then I can make AUTOEXEC.BAT update just year alone. But I'd prefer to fix
that BIOS, if possible.

>   2) What version of DOS is it running?

Very old BIOS from 1996, if I'm correct (it's VLB Soyo-SiS mobo).
No, there's no update available.

> I am wondering if the problem is that the old PC does not have a working
> real-time clock at all, which would mean it cannot keep track of the
> time once the power goes off.

Its clock works OK - I'm going to follow Eric's suggestion as I end my work

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