On Sat, May 01, 2021 at 10:57:09PM +1000, Bryan Kilgallin wrote:

> Our enemies bless us by telling us our weaknesses!

It's not about supposed "weakness" of (Free)DOS; it's about weakness of that
"tester", who doesn't want to "waste" time learning. He doesn't want DOS; he
wants "kind of other Windows" rather, to "point and click".

Following him one could say that any OS (or any installer) not featuring
"user-friendly" GUI is trash and garbage. Maybe from his personal point of
view indeed it is -- because he's not willing (or simply unable) to learn
how to take advantage of command line.

DOS surely has some weaker points -- but surely you can't include into that
set command line use. It's feature, not bug/weakness. It's "just the way it
is". If he dosn't like it -- he can try for example Kolibri, it's
GUI-oriented from the very start. Allow DOS to stay DOS!

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