On 07/10/2021 15:43, tom ehlert wrote:
DISPLAY.SYS calls INT 2F.AD81h when the Code Page is changed to
inform KEYB so it can change its mapping.
please provide an example where this is necessary AND plausible.

In Poland, there were a few codepages used during the DOS era. The two main ones were CP911 ("Mazovia") and CP852. The character mappings are different, for instance "ą" (ALT+a) is byte 0xA5 in CP852, while in Mazovia it is under 0x86. Most polish programs could be configured to output their content in one of the codepages, but some were hard-coded to either Mazovia or CP852. In such cases, a mode con cp select was required -- in such case, a non-smart keyb driver would not be aware of the change and keep emitting byte codes for the initial codepage it was configured for.


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