On Tue, 2011-10-25 at 15:29 +0200, Ondrej Hamada wrote:
> https://fedorahosted.org/freeipa/ticket/1336
> Lazy initialization of ipalib plugins is used under all contexts, not 
> only when context = cli. Every loaded plugin is pre-finalized - a flag 
> is set, which means, that the plugin needs to be finalized. Then every 
> call of plugin's __gettattr__ checks the flag and finalizes the plugin 
> if necessary. The code was implemented by jcholast. Time reduction of 
> commands execution is quite markable:
> patch [s] |   normal [s]    |   command
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
> 1.468      |       2.287       |   ipa user-add jsmith --firt=john 
> --last=smith
> 1.658      |       2.235       |   ipa user-del jsmith
> 1.624      |       2.204       |   ipa dnsrecord-find example.com

Thanks for submitting the patch. Ondra, just please provide the patch in
proper format (exported via command `git format-patch -M -C --patience
--full-index -1' which I sent you earlier).


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