Wed, 10 Apr 2013 13:37:10 +0300 було написано Petr Viktorin <>:

On 04/08/2013 05:54 PM, Yuri Chornoivan wrote:
написане Mon, 08 Apr 2013 18:45:30 +0300, Petr Viktorin

Hello, FreeIPA translators!

We wanted to give enough time for translations, so we made an upstream
string freeze last week, giving about two weeks of translation time
until the beta.
We didn't expect most of the translations to be done already --
Ukrainian at 100% and French with 40 strings missing. Thank you!!

Meanwhile we have some fixes upstream that add/change additional
strings that would have to be postponed for the next release.
How much would it inconvenience you if instead of postponing the
patches, we'd push each change to Transifex as it is pushed to master?

In the past Jèrôme said that updating continuously would be better
than the string freezes and mass updates we do now. We don't have
resources to automate that*, but for slipping a few strings past
string freeze it could work.


Surely, it would be good to have fixes now (as well as some announce in ).

And I'm all of the Jèrôme's proposal. It is enough to have updates every
3-4 months. That will make the translation process significantly easier.

Okay. I've pushed the updates to Transifex (7 new strings, expect a couple more), and I'll do some more frequent updates in the future.

Thanks for your work.

I've lurked on for a while and haven't seen many announcements from projects. Is it the right list to communicate string freezes/deadlines/releases?

Yes. This is the right list for Fedora translation announces. Personally, I do not know why other Fedora Upstream projects do not announce their translation dates in this list. It is easy to send a message there and target Fedora translation coordinators of many languages at once.

Yes, it might happen that you will not obtain much translations at once, but I cannot imagine the other way to contact new translators.

Such strategy (regular announces in translator's mailing lists) works fine in many projects (KDE, GNOME, Audacity etc.) It's a win-win situation. You cannot lose if you make even one-sentence announces and do it regularly.

Best regards,

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