On Wed, 24 Sep 2014, Endi Sukma Dewata wrote:
On 9/24/2014 9:43 AM, Petr Vobornik wrote:
On 24.9.2014 16:30, Endi Sukma Dewata wrote:
On 9/19/2014 7:29 AM, Petr Vobornik wrote:

attached patches implements Web UI part of ID Views. Backend is
currently on review as well - thread "[PATCHES 247-259] ID views -
management part".


I expect that backed can change and that the UI might influence it as
well. Therefore no UI integration tests nor static data files are
included in this patchset. They will follow when backend is stable.


== [PATCH] 754 webui: new ID views section ==

I'll test this separately. Does your patch #754-1 work with Tomas'
latest patches (#247-2 - 270)?

It was tested with tomas' git branch which matched

OK, some comments/questions:

1. For consistency, the "ID view" should be capitalized into "ID View" in the navigation tab, page title, and dialog title. See "ID Ranges" as an example.

2. The tab titles in the ID view details page are quite long, and the "User ID overrides" and "Group ID overrides" labels aren't quite appropriate because the ID view can override other attributes too. How about using facet groups like in User Groups? For example:
- <ID view> applies to:
  - Hosts
- <ID view> overrides:
  - Users
  - Groups
- Settings

3. Since the tab already says "Applied to hosts", the current button labels is kind of redundant. How about renaming and reorder the buttons like this?
- Refresh
- Remove
- Add
- Add hosts in host group
- Remove hosts in host group

4. If I understand correctly the description field for the User ID Overrides and Group ID Overrides should be optional too because it's also used to optionally override the description attribute of the original entry.
No, this is description of the override itself. We don't want to
override original description field, if any, we want to provide a way to
document why this override was done.

5. Not sure if this is a problem. The search field in User/Group ID Overrides can be used to find the overriding attributes, but not the "User/Group to override".

6. Can multiple ID views be applied to the same host? Does the order matter? If so, how would the UI manage the order?
No. Single ID view per host. The scheme is actually a bit more complex:
- IPA users: data from main tree is overridden with a data from a
  host-specific ID view
- AD users: data from AD is overridden by a data from a default trust
  view which is then overridden by a data from a host-specific ID view

7. Related to #6, there probably should be a tab in the Host details page showing which ID views apply to it.
There is only a single view and yes, it would be good to add a property
there, linking it to the ID view tab, if possible.

8. If we implement #7, are the "Un-apply from hosts/host groups" buttons in the ID views search page still necessary? Or can it be moved into that page (i.e. unapplying one host at a time)?
Mass-removal is needed to allow hostgroup management.

9. This probably requires server support. In the "Apply to hosts" association dialog, if a host is already added it will still appear in the dialog box. As a comparison, a User that has been added into a User Group will not appear in the association dialog anymore.
Could be trivially filtered out on Web UI side.

10. The use of association dialog for "Apply to host groups" and "Un-apply from host groups" is a bit unusual because it's used to select host groups, and once selected the host groups are not added to/removed from the main list because the main list contains hosts, not host groups. Would it be very common to select multiple host groups at once to apply ID view? If not, it might make more sense to just use a plain dialog to select one host group at a time. The dialog could probably show information about the host groups (i.e. host members) before applying/unapplying the ID view.
I think it could be useful to select several hostgroups at the same
time, given that 'apply to host groups' operation is one shot.

/ Alexander Bokovoy

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