On Thu, Sep 17, 2015 at 01:47:29PM +0200, Tomas Babej wrote:
> also guilty of this mishap. This poses certain problems, as we're trying
> to automate the bookkeeping and pushing-related processes with ipatool [1].


> This would mean:
> * Patches fixing an issue described only in BZ (rare issue) would need
> to create a Trac ticket referencing the BZ
> * Patches fixing an issue not tracked in Trac nor BZ would need to file
> a ticket in Trac and reference it

On Thu, Sep 17, 2015 at 02:13:20PM +0200, Tomas Babej wrote:
> which does not provide instructions in the case when the corresponding
> ticket does not exist.

If the fix is for issue not in trac, presumably some trivial change
like a typo in some message, how does a commit without ticket link
break ipatool?

I understand that having reference to an issue in bugzilla in the
commit is useful because it's then possible to find commits related
to that issue, which is already tracked somewhere. Still, even for
bugzilla, you could possibly just use the bugzilla URL.

But if the issue is so small that noone really thought about filing
it before, what's the purpose of creating one? We don't seem to
suffer from the lack of tickets.

Jan Pazdziora
Senior Principal Software Engineer, Identity Management Engineering, Red Hat

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