On 19.05.2016 14:26, Petr Spacek wrote:

pylint: replace Refactor category with individual check names

This eases enabling/disabling individual tests like cyclic-import.

I like this patch but, NACK

************* Module ipalib.config
ipalib/config.py:260: [R0204(redefined-variable-type), Env.__setitem__] Redefinition of value type from int to ipapython.dn.DN) ipalib/config.py:458: [R0102(simplifiable-if-statement), Env._bootstrap] The if statement can be replaced with 'var = bool(test)')
************* Module ipalib.messages
ipalib/messages.py:90: [R0204(redefined-variable-type), process_message_arguments] Redefinition of obj.strerror type from unicode to str)
************* Module ipalib.plugable
ipalib/plugable.py:569: [R0204(redefined-variable-type), API.import_plugins] Redefinition of modules type from generator to list)
************* Module ipalib.rpc
ipalib/rpc.py:609: [R0101(too-many-nested-blocks), KerbTransport.single_request] Too many nested blocks (6/5)) ipalib/rpc.py:753: [R0204(redefined-variable-type), RPCClient.get_url_list] Redefinition of answers type from dns.resolver.Answer to list)

tested with pylint-1.5.5-1.fc24.noarch

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