On 30.6.2016 10:14, Jan Cholasta wrote:
> On 30.6.2016 10:06, Petr Spacek wrote:
>> On 30.6.2016 10:02, Jan Cholasta wrote:
>>> On 30.6.2016 09:56, Petr Spacek wrote:
>>>> On 30.6.2016 09:40, Martin Basti wrote:
>>>>> https://fedorahosted.org/freeipa/ticket/5757
>>> "The easiest solution would be to add timestamps to logs, or log to 
>>> different
>>> logs from oddjob or from installer (ipareplica-conncheck.local.log and
>>> ipareplica-conncheck.remote.log)"
>>> Actually the easiest solution would be not to log into a file when executed
>>> from oddjob.
>> Well, IPA is hard enough to debug even with logs. I would not make situation
>> even worse by not logging at all :-)
> The commands logs into stderr, and both stdout and stderr are sent back to the
> caller of the oddjob.
> Alternatively, it could log into a different file (say
> /var/log/ipareplica-conncheck-oddjob.log). IMO timestamps are an overkill to
> fix this bug.

When we are at it, a custom logger is overkill. IMHO we should log everything
to journal and be done with it ...

Petr^2 Spacek

>>>>> Patches attached.
>>>> I would rather use timestamp format with dashes between numbers to make it
>>>> easier to read and parse for humans.
>>>> Compare:
>>>> 201606270954
>>>> 201606290954
>>>> 201606300954
>>>> with
>>>> 2016-06-27-09-54
>>>> 2016-06-29-09-54
>>>> 2016-06-30-09-54

Petr^2 Spacek

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