On 07/01/2016 10:46 AM, David Kupka wrote:
> Hello Thierry!
> Thanks for looking into it. I will try to answer your questions and
> comments inline.
> On 01/07/16 10:26, thierry bordaz wrote:
>> Hi David,
>> The patch looks good but being not familiar with that code, my comments
>> may be absolutely wrong
>> In ipadb_get_pwd_expiration, if it is not 'self' we set
>> '*export=mod_time'.
>> If for some reason 'mod_time==0', it has now a specific meaning 'not
>> expiring' . Does it match the comment '* not 'self', so reset */'
> mod_time should be timestamp of the modification operation. So mod_time
> == 0 should happen only when the change was performed in the very
> beginning of 70's.
>> In ipadb_entry_to_mods, it deletes krbPasswordExpiration. But just
>> before it adds in the mods krbPasswordExpiration=0 or
>> krbPasswordExpiration=entry->pw_expiration
>> Could we skip those mods if entry->pw_expiration==0 or expire_time==0 ?
> That is exactly what I thought. But in that part of code I have no
> chance to check if the attribute is present in the entry or not. Also I
> can't catch and ignore the resulting error when deleting nonexistent
> attribute. Here only LDAPMod structures are filled but the execution is
> done in an other part of code.
> So I choose the easy path and always set the attribute and delete it
> right after if necessary.
>> In ipapwd_SetPassword, ipapwd_post_modadd, same remark as above.
>> Something that I am not sure is what is the expected relation between
>> passwordexpirationtime and krbPasswordExpiration
> I'm not sure either. I think we don't use passwordexpirationtime attribute.
>> thanks
>> thierry

I don't see a strict NACK here. Given pvomacka's functional ACK, I have
pushed it. We can fix corner cases later.

Pushed to master: d2cb9ed327ee4003598d5e45d80ab7918b89eeed

>> On 06/30/2016 09:34 PM, David Kupka wrote:
>>> On 04/05/16 17:22, Pavel Vomacka wrote:
>>>> On 05/04/2016 04:36 PM, Simo Sorce wrote:
>>>>> On Wed, 2016-05-04 at 15:39 +0200, Martin Kosek wrote:
>>>>>> On 05/02/2016 02:28 PM, David Kupka wrote:
>>>>>>> https://fedorahosted.org/freeipa/ticket/2795
>>>>>> That patch looks suspiciously short given the struggles I saw in
>>>>>> http://www.redhat.com/archives/freeipa-devel/2015-June/msg00198.html
>>>>>> :-)
>>>>>> Instead of setting to IPAPWD_END_OF_TIME, should we instead avoid
>>>>>> filling
>>>>>> "krbPasswordExpiration" attribute at all, i.e. have password
>>>>>> *without*
>>>>>> expiration? Or is krbPasswordExpiration mandatory?
>>>>> So I looked at the MIT code, and it seem like they are coping just
>>>>> fine
>>>>> with a missing (ie value = 0 internally) pw_expiration attribute.
>>>>> So if we make our code cope with omitting any expiration if the
>>>>> attribute is missing then yes, we can mark no expiration with simply
>>>>> removing (or not setting) the krbPasswordExpiration attribute.
>>>>> The attribute itself is optional and can be omitted.
>>>>> I think this is a good idea, and is definitely better than inventing
>>>>> a a
>>>>> magic value.
>>>>> Simo.
>>>> Just a note: I tested David's patch and it actually doesn't work when
>>>> the new password policy for ipausers group is created (priority = 0,
>>>> which should be the highest priority). The maxlife and minlife values
>>>> are empty. Even if I set the new password policy maxlife and minlife to
>>>> 0 the result was that password will expire in 90 days. The patch worked
>>>> correctly when I changed value of maxlife and minlife to 0 in
>>>> 'global_policy'. Then the password expiration was set to 2038-01-01.
>>> Hello!
>>> I hope I've finally find all the places in ipa-kdb and ipa-pwd-extop
>>> plugins to tickle in order to have password that don't expire. Updated
>>> patch attached.
>>> https://fedorahosted.org/freeipa/ticket/2795
Petr Vobornik

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