On 11/22/2016 05:25 PM, Rob Crittenden wrote:
> Lukas Slebodnik wrote:
>> On (22/11/16 16:29), Petr Spacek wrote:
>>> On 22.11.2016 16:27, Jan Cholasta wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> On 22.11.2016 16:04, Petr Spacek wrote:
>>>>> Hello,
>>>>> the recent changes with regard to
>>>>> http://www.freeipa.org/page/V4/Integration_Improvements
>>>>> beg a question whether we should invest into supporting client-only 
>>>>> builds in
>>>>> FreeIPA build system.
> Note that the Integration efforts don't really apply. The client-only
> install is for doing client enrollment and integration can mean lots of
> things.
>>>>> Right now, FreeIPA can be built on all architectures we care about so 
>>>>> there is
>>>>> no incentive to invest into client-only build - this applies to binary/RPM
>>>>> builds.
>>>> Client-only build lowers the barrier for porting IPA to new platforms 
>>>> (porting
>>>> only client code is *much* easier than porting the whole thing), so I would
>>>> very much prefer if we kept it.
>>> Understood.
>> Agree about portability
>> But upstream spec file needn't have such relicts.
>> The upstream spec file is pure fedora specific.
> The upstream spec is what is used to document and verify that the
> client-only build actually works.
> I also think it is a worthy goal to maintain.
>>> Wondering out loud: What prevents the "porter" from doing full build and 
>>> then
>>> packaging only client bits? Yes, he has to install come of the dependencies
>>> for the build to pass but still, it is way easier than actually making 
>>> server
>>> fully functional.
> It is not an insignificant amount of dependencies to build all of IPA.
>>> Petr, are you going to allocate time for this soonish or should I open a
>>> ticket and forget about it for now?
> IMHO this should be covered under the build refactoring to avoid
> regressions.
> rob

I think we should not implement it. I see no need. Fedora, Debian, RHEL
all work with server build. Difference between arches is not issue as well.

If somebody would want it for porting IPA on other distro then fine. But
at that stage there will be more stuff to figure out so writing the
patch can wait for that eventuality.

Petr Vobornik

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