URL: https://github.com/freeipa/freeipa/pull/364
Title: #364: Client-only builds with --disable-server

lslebodn commented:
On (22/02/17 06:16), Simo Sorce wrote:
>So this is the reasoning and why I am approving this PR and not #494.
>When you build all components, including server bits, tests are installed, 
>therefore when we build just client bits tets that are relevant to client bits 
>also need to be installed for consistency.
>Any switch should default to the same behavior regardless of whether server 
>build is enabled. It is confusing if the --with[out]-[ipa]tests switch changes 
>default based on a different switch passed to configure.
>As far as I understand this PR maintains the same default for either server or 
>client only builds, so it gets my approval.

Neither of python packages which I mention in #494 package unit test in fedora.

So there is not a reason to package them by default for client only build.
And integration tests require server therefore must not be installed
by default with client-only build.

This PR has wrong default for instalation of ipatests with client-only build.



See the full comment at 
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