On Wed, Dec 20, 2017 at 12:53 AM, Florence Blanc-Renaud <f...@redhat.com>

> On 12/19/2017 06:59 PM, Steve Dainard via FreeIPA-users wrote:
>> Hi Flo,
>> On Tue, Dec 19, 2017 at 8:17 AM, Florence Blanc-Renaud <f...@redhat.com
>> <mailto:f...@redhat.com>> wrote:
>>     On 12/18/2017 08:54 PM, Steve Dainard via FreeIPA-users wrote:
>>         Hello,
>>         Using freeipa 4.5.
>>         I've replaced an external root CA that had a very short key, and
>>         have gone through the process of resigning the ipa
>> intermediate-CA.
>>         I've used ipa-cacert-manage to generate a new csr and have
>>         signed it with my new external CA. The cert was successfully
>>         imported.
>>         I also ran ipa-certupdate on 2 of 2 ipa servers and I can see
>>         the new CA listed on both ipa servers with 'certutil -L -d
>>         /etc/pki/pki-tomcat/alias'
>>         When I run 'ipa-getcert resubmit -n Server-Cert -d
>>         /etc/httpd/alias' on an ipa server the certificate is
>>         resubmitted, but its still being signed by the old ipa
>>         intermediate-CA.
>>     Hi,
>>     you changed the external root CA when renewing IPA CA, meaning that
>>     IPA CA has a new cert chain containing the ext root CA, but IPA CA
>>     keeps the same subject name "CN=Certificate Authority,O=DOMAIN.COM
>>     <http://DOMAIN.COM>".
>>     The command resubmit asks IPA CA to renew the Server-Cert. So it is
>>     expected that you see the same "old ipa intermediate CA" as issuer
>>     of your Server-Cert for HTTPd.
>> To double check I ran through the process of requesting an http cert on a
>> new server, and indeed the Issuer CN is the same "CN=Certificate
>> Authority,O=DOMAIN.COM <http://DOMAIN.COM>" (which makes sense from your
>> answer). But when I look at the http cert I just requested, the IPA CA cert
>> 'Issued CN' field is the old external CA.
>> Hi,
> which command are you running to check the IPA CA cert issuer?

I hadn't trusted the new external root CA on my client browser so I
expected a trust exception which I didn't encounter, so I just looked at
the cert in the browser and noticed the ipa CA issuer CN was the old
external ca.

> Flo
> To get my client cert I followed the process here:
>> https://www.freeipa.org/page/PKI#Automated_certificate_reque
>> sts_with_Certmonger. One of the first steps is to pull the ipa ca's into
>> the nssdb. I have 4 certs in that file now which builds the chain for old
>> ext ca/old ipa ca, new ext ca/new ipa ca. I don't think this has any impact
>> on the cert request process but it does show that both chains are in ipa.
>>         I also see in the web ui under Authentication -> Certificates ->
>>         Certificate Authorities that only one ca named 'ipa' exists, and
>>         I can see the Issuer DN is still the old root CA.
>>     This is a bug tracked in issue 7316: The Issuer DN field in IPA is
>>     not updating properly [1]. The webui and the command ipa ca-show ipa
>>     read the issuer name from an LDAP entry that is not updated. But if
>>     you look at the content of the certificate, you will be able to
>>     check that the issuer is indeed the new external root CA.
>>         How can I invalidate the old intermediate-CA so the new
>>         intermediate-CA is used to sign certs going forwards?
>>         Thanks,
>>         Steve
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>>     HTH,
>>     Flo
>>     [1] https://pagure.io/freeipa/issue/7316
>>     <https://pagure.io/freeipa/issue/7316>
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