Brian LaMere wrote:
Let me start by saying I work at a software development co; I "get it" - so this isn't a harsh at all. However, the latest docs I could find ( ) seem a bit outdated already.

Hi Brian,
It's true, they're "outdated" because at the moment they largely consist of relabeled v1 docs with a notice at the beginning advising that we're just now starting to update them. Large sections will no longer apply, and we're doing our best to keep up.

We only have one doc writer on this project (me) and I've been off working on the SSSD project for quite a while, so expect the IPA doc to take a bit of catching up.

For example, this section:

Procedure 3.1. To install the IPA server interactively:

Run the following command:

    *  ipa-server-install
          o Enter the server's host name, realm name and other details
            when prompted. When installing the master IPA server, the
            start values for the UID and GID ranges are automatically
            set to a random value between 1,000,000 and (2^31 -
            1,000,000). You can pass
            the --uidstart and --gidstart options to
            the ipa-server-installcommand to specify different starting
            values if desired.


At this point, uidstart and gidstart don't appear to be valid flags to ipa-server-install; this is unfortunate, because I'd really rather not start at a number that high (while not my personal reason for wanting a smaller number, older machines won't accept uid's that large...some won't accept UIDs higher than 65535, in fact).

I can't comment with certainty, but I don't know why that would be. These flags still appear in the man page (man ipa-server-install, your best source of up-to-date doc atm). Hopefully one of the developers will pipe up with a better answer.

That document also references that it requires "Fedora 9 or 10" - while we're now pushing on rawhide at 14, and describes nscd while the default/suggested cache provider in current versions is sssd, etc. Is there anything a bit more current?

By the time this doc goes out the door, we'll probably be talking about F14/15, yes, and with info on using sssd with IPA.

Is there a wiki documentation project (none shows in a couple minutes of google searching)? If there's nothing more current, I'd be happy to update whatever is where ever while I'm going through it myself.

We're still working on the best way of implementing this. Apart from the many changes in IPA, there have also been many changes in the way we produce and deliver documentation. We're always happy to accept contributions and feedback (even if it's only in email); as soon as we get the process sorted we'll be looking forward to as many community contributions as possible.

Thanks for your input and offer.

Brian LaMere


David O'Brien
Senior Content Author
Red Hat APAC Pty Ltd

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