On Fri, Mar 16, 2012 at 1:07 PM, Dmitri Pal <d...@redhat.com> wrote:
> On 03/16/2012 03:55 PM, Stephen Ingram wrote:
>> On Fri, Mar 16, 2012 at 12:12 PM, Rob Crittenden <rcrit...@redhat.com> wrote:
>>> Stephen Ingram wrote:
>>>> I've seen mention about the compat plug-in causing issues with
>>>> replication. In my 2.1.4 installation I notice that the plug-in is
>>>> turned on by default. Is compat only required for those supporting NIS
>>>> or does it serve another purpose. As I don't use NIS, I'm just
>>>> wondering if it's safe to turn off.
>>> The compat plugin wasn't causing problems with replication but we did see
>>> increasing memory and CPU usage during migration. We now recommend that
>>> compat be disabled when migrating entries (who needs the overhead anyway).
>> What do you mean exactly by migrating entries or migration in general?
>> I'm getting the impression that this is something different than
>> replication? If you disable compat, then those entries would not
>> appear in the replica, no?
> When you migrate from a DS you have to IPA you load data into IPA using
> ipa migrate-ds command.
> Some time it takes a while to process the whole DS data you might have.
> During this time we recommend turning compat and NIS plugins off and
> then when the migration is complete turning them on if you need them.
>>> Yes, safe to turn it off depending on what your needs are. There are two
>>> capabilities provided by the slapi-nis plugin:
>>> 1. Compatibility for older clients such as Solaris which doesn't fully grok
>>> 2307bis and netgroup triples (ipa-compat-manage enable/disable)
>>> 2. An NIS listener (ipa-nis-manage enable/disable) which requires compat to
>>> be enabled.
>>> But like I said, shouldn't impact replication at all. It just reformats
>>> data.
>> Could you please explain what you mean by reformatting the data? Are
>> you talking about changing something in the directory?
> NIS plugin is a flavor of compat plugin.
> Compat plugin looks at the actual data in the LDAP and creates a view of
> this data in another format in memory.
> Via this capability you can create 2307 objects out of 2307bis object or
> expected SUDO entries from the entries in the internal representation.

Much better. Thank you.

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