----- Original Message -----
> On Mon, April 23, 2012 20:38, Rich Megginson wrote:
> > Ok.  The current theory is that the memory growth is caused by the
> > churn
> > of entries being added to and removed from the entry cache.  It's
> > not yet known why this growth is
> > seen.  It could be just that the memory is getting fragmented, or
> > there is a real yet undetected
> > memory leak. That's why entry cache sizing and monitoring is very
> > important, to see
> > if you are churning entries in/out of the cache, and if that is
> > correlated with the memory growth.
> >
> This memory issue is still occuring in the production environment
> after increasing the max entry
> cache size to 256MB, and it is impacting performance. See below for
> an output of the memory usage
> and the current size and hitratio of the cache on the 3 production
> IPA servers.
> How do you suggest moving forward to troubleshoot this issue?

Are you seeing https://fedorahosted.org/389/ticket/386 ?

> Mem:   8050880k total,  7893612k used,   157268k free,     1924k
> buffers
> Swap: 14811120k total,  3738640k used, 11072480k free,    38032k
> cached
> dn: cn=monitor,cn=userRoot,cn=ldbm database,cn=plugins,cn=config
> entrycachehitratio: 97
> maxentrycachesize: 268435456
> currententrycachesize: 14047758
> currententrycachecount: 3062
> Mem:   8059224k total,  7907904k used,   151320k free,     9060k
> buffers
> Swap: 14811120k total,  2507796k used, 12303324k free,    58104k
> cached
> dn: cn=monitor,cn=userRoot,cn=ldbm database,cn=plugins,cn=config
> entrycachehitratio: 99
> maxentrycachesize: 268435456
> currententrycachesize: 13963883
> currententrycachecount: 3062
> Mem:   8062240k total,  7932268k used,   129972k free,      864k
> buffers
> Swap:  2097144k total,  2097144k used,        0k free,    16788k
> cached
> dn: cn=monitor,cn=userRoot,cn=ldbm database,cn=plugins,cn=config
> entrycachehitratio: 99
> maxentrycachesize: 268435456
> currententrycachesize: 13809438
> currententrycachecount: 3066
> Rgds,
> Siggi

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