Is there any article to describe how to configure ubuntu client for ipa and sudo policy?

On 02-09-2014 11:13, Lukas Slebodnik wrote:
On (02/09/14 11:02), Tevfik Ceydeliler wrote:
Step 0
root@clnt:/home/awtadm# grep sudoers /etc/nsswitch.conf
sudoers_debug:    1
sudoers: files sss

root@clnt:/home/awtadm# ipa-client-install --no-ntp
IPA client is already configured on this system.

root@clnt:/home/awtadm# grep services /etc/sssd/sssd.conf
services = nss, pam, ssh, sudo

You need to restart sssd after modification of option "services" in
/etc/sssd/sssd.conf. I forgot to mention it.

Step1 (there is some problem when create rule on CLI. No problem prompt on
[root@srv ~]# ipa sudorule-add-option readfiles
Sudo Option: !authenticate
ipa: ERROR: no such entry

awtadm@clnt:~$ su user1
uid=1423400004(user1) gid=1423400004(user1) groups=1423400004(user1)
user1@clnt:/home/awtadm$ sudo -l
[sudo] password for user1:
Sorry, user user1 may not run sudo on clnt.
There is no reason to try sudo commands if "sudo -l" fails.

It works for me on ubuntu 14.04. It is very likely you have problem
on FreeIPA Server. Other people can help you with server part,
I could help you just with client configuration.
(From my point of view, problem is solved)

One more time, please follow instructions:



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