On 09/12/2014 09:19 PM, Dmitri Pal wrote:
> On 09/12/2014 02:43 PM, Michael Lasevich wrote:
>> That is awesome, but I am clearly missing some insight as to how this is
>> supposed to work. Can you point me to some more specific info on how to
>> accomplish this.
>> I tried using the ipa-getcert request with multiple -D's from the client, but
>> got :
>> ** Insufficient access: You need to be a member of the serviceadmin role to
>> add services
>> Unless I am missing something,  I should probably not add each host to
>> "serviceadmins" for security reasons.
> 4.0 has a new permissions system this might yet to be another use case that we
> might have overlooked.

Not, not really - this part works well with 4.0.

> I will leave to developers to review this situation on Monday morning.
>> So I then I tried generating a csr via openssl with SANs on the client and
>> then adding it using "ipa cert-request file.csr --prinicple
>> host/${client_hostname}@DOMAIN"  from ipa server as admin (just to be sure)
>> and got this error (where <ALIAS> is the first SAN):
>> ** ipa: ERROR: The service principal for subject alt name <ALIAS> in
>> certificate request does not exist
>> It sounds like I need to create service principal for each SAN, but I can't
>> seem to figure out how to do it (only allows me to create service prinicpals
>> for existing hosts)

You need to create an (unused) host for the SAN service first. After that you
can create the service. Dummy service/host entries with appropriate managedby
attribute are used to authorize which host/service.

I did a quick test with latest FreeIPA 4.0.3 and it worked for me:

# ipa-getcert request -d /etc/httpd/nssdb -n Server-Cert -K test/`hostname` -N
CN=`hostname`,O=EXAMPLE.COM -D san.host.example.test -g 2048
New signing request "20140915143901" added.

# ipa-getcert list -i 20140915143901
Number of certificates and requests being tracked: 8.
Request ID '20140915143901':
        status: CA_REJECTED
        ca-error: Server at https://ipa.mkosek-fedora20.test/ipa/xml denied our
request, giving up: 2100 (RPC failed at server.  Insufficient access: You need
to be a member of the serviceadmin role to add services).
        stuck: yes
        key pair storage:
Certificate DB'
        CA: IPA
        expires: unknown
        pre-save command:
        post-save command:
        track: yes
        auto-renew: yes

This is expected, now the authorization needs to be added:

# ipa service-add test/`hostname`
# ipa service-add test/san.host.example.test --force
# ipa service-add-host test/san.host.example.test --host `hostname`
  Principal: test/san.host.example.t...@mkosek-fedora20.test
  Managed by: san.host.example.test, ipa.mkosek-fedora20.test
Number of members added 1

# ipa-getcert resubmit -i 20140915143901
Resubmitting "20140915143901" to "IPA".

# ipa-getcert list -i 20140915143901
Number of certificates and requests being tracked: 8.
Request ID '20140915143901':
        status: MONITORING
        stuck: no
        key pair storage:
Certificate DB'
Certificate DB'
        CA: IPA
        issuer: CN=Certificate Authority,O=MKOSEK-FEDORA20.TEST
        subject: CN=ipa.mkosek-fedora20.test,O=MKOSEK-FEDORA20.TEST
        expires: 2016-09-15 14:48:01 UTC
        dns: san.host.example.test
        principal name: test/ipa.mkosek-fedora20.t...@mkosek-fedora20.test
        key usage: 
        eku: id-kp-serverAuth,id-kp-clientAuth
        pre-save command:
        post-save command:
        track: yes
        auto-renew: yes

# certutil -L -d /etc/httpd/nssdb -n Server-Cert
        Version: 3 (0x2)
        Serial Number: 11 (0xb)
        Signature Algorithm: PKCS #1 SHA-256 With RSA Encryption
        Issuer: "CN=Certificate Authority,O=MKOSEK-FEDORA20.TEST"
            Not Before: Mon Sep 15 14:48:01 2014
            Not After : Thu Sep 15 14:48:01 2016
        Subject: "CN=ipa.mkosek-fedora20.test,O=MKOSEK-FEDORA20.TEST"
            Name: Certificate Subject Alt Name
            DNS name: "san.host.example.test"

I also updated
with couple hints how that works.


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