On 04/24/2015 12:58 PM, Christopher Lamb wrote:

I am in the process of setting up and configuring a FreeIPA Server 4.1.0.

I have successfully migrated all the users from an existing FreeIPA Server
3.0.0 with the following command:

ipa migrate-ds --group-overwrite-gid
--group-container='cn=groups,cn=accounts' ldap://<ldap url of new

When I log into the 4.1.0 Web UI, with the default "admin" user, on the
Identity/Users overview page, I have buttons for Delete, Add, Enable,
Disable etc.

If I log in with an imported admin user, these buttons are missing.

If I log into the old 3.0.0 Web UI, these buttons are available with both

This is most likely because the permissions changed in 4.0 and old admin does not have the privileges that are now default in 4.1.


Chris Lamb

p.s. it would be great if the syntax for an IPA "old" to IPA "new"
migration using ipa migrate-ds was included in the IPA documentation. I had
to dig deep in the migration.py script to find the accepted format .....

Thank you,
Dmitri Pal

Sr. Engineering Manager IdM portfolio
Red Hat, Inc.

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