At 11:37 PM 10/31/2001 +1100, Bogdan wrote:
>I was wondering,
>I still use "users" file for DEFAULTs, because we don't change them so often
>and it seems to work OK, (when i change login times it stops user from login)
>wouldn't smnpget module check the NAS username and state and report
>no login for that user on the fly, I though that this what the sample 
>said, that
>radius checks for user login in the radutmp first and then confirms with 
>NAS that
>user is or is not loged in, but i am just a beginnner with radius, so i'm 
>probably wrong.

That is how the Simultaneous-Use checking is supposed to work, yes.  :)

>Alan have mentioned about the patch, if it is possible could i get a copy, 

I believe this was just committed to the current source, so you might want
to try the latest snapshot/cvs version.


    \\\|||///  \  Chris Parker    -    Manager, Development Engineering
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                   \ Without C we would have 'obol', 'basi', and 'pasal'

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