>   That shouldn't be necessary.

well i'll double check tomorrow, i've done so many tests so far that maybe it's 
not usefull anymore .. I know for sure that in debug logs, it shows the password 
grabbed as {CRYPT}xxxxxxx.

> > rlm_ldap: Adding userPassword as Crypt-Password, value { & op=21
>   That value doesn't look like a password.

yes i know, and i think that's the problem. When i just use password_attribute 
it grabs the whole password (displayed in debug logs), and not anymore when i 
use the mapping for Crypt-Password, of course on the same ldap attribute for 
both. i thought the '{' displayed was from the first caracter it met ( from 
{CRYPT}xxxx ) so i tried to re-enable the password_header field in the ldap 
section of radiusd.conf, without any good result.

>   That value should have a "0x" in front of it.

That's what is told in the radiusd.conf yup .. could that change something to 
the rest of the problem ? I'll check the smbldap-adduser.pl script i use to add 
windows users in the ldap tree. Anyway windows workstations work perfectly 
without the 0x.

>   LDAP doesn't do crypt'd passwords.  The server does.  And the server
> doesn't care where that crypted password came from.

Yup, but i was trying to find the moment where the radius Crypt-Password 
attribute was used in the ldap mapping file and from the ldap directory, to 
check why it doesn't grab the password from the user entry.

Arnauld Dravet

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