> If people arent willing to pass their understanding on, then your right 
> whats the point!.

  I think you are missing the point of my response.

  I responded to the original question.  I responded politely, and
pointed out what he had done wrong.  What he claimed he was trying to
do was the opposite of the examples he posted.  The example he posted
indicated that he hadn't read the FAQ, hadn't read "radiusd.conf", and
hadn't read the documentation for the "users" file, which says that
"==" is a COMPARISON, not a CREATION operator.

  After I pointed out what he had done wrong, he got angry at me,
accused me of being "rude", and got unnecessarily personal.  He wanted
ME to do ALL the work of thinking for him, as he was too lazy or too
stupid to read the documentation.  And to make it worse, he wanted me
to kiss his ass during that process.

  Hell will freeze over before that happens.

  If his ego is too delicate to handle someone telling him he did
something wrong, he can go to hell, too.

> Lets all go out and buy a more robust, stable authentication device
> with professional support contracts.  Id rather factor this cost
> into my solution than come up against the mails Ive seen recently

  I offer professional support contracts, as do others.  See the
servers web page.

  As for the list, it's *free* support.  If you don't like free
support, then pay someone to be nice to you.

  My conclusion in all of these situations is that the people who
don't like honest, free, support are the kind of people who are
unwilling to pay for support, and don't, in fact, want their problems
solved.  They want people to be "nice" to them, even if it means that
their problems won't get solved.

  I hate it when self-righteous blow-hards tell me how to live my life.

  Alan DeKok.

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