Hallo once more,

I don't want to annoy you, hopefully I'm getting closer...

Alan DeKok wrote:

Is "local" or "system" the correct value to forward requests by
using realm NULL?


First, is the realm "NULL" the preferred method to forward requests to another radius server?
If so, I still need to figure out how to use it. After searching the mailing list archive I found a hint:
DEFAULT Proxy-To-Realm := "foo.com"
Is that how it works? Not with any Auth-Type?
Does this also work if the username doesn't contain that realm?

I tried with this users file:
DEFAULT Proxy-To-Realm := "students"
and this proxy.conf:
realm students {
   type        = radius
   authhost    = uml1:1812
   accthost    = uml1:1813
   secret        = hidden
But then no requests are forwarded. The output of radiusd -X just shows
   rlm_realm: No '@' in User-Name = "ben1812", looking up realm NULL
   rlm_realm: No such realm "NULL"
which is correct, of course.

But if I use this configuration...
DEFAULT Proxy-To-Realm := "NULL"
and this proxy.conf:
realm NULL {
type = radius
authhost = uml1:1812
accthost = uml1:1813
secret = hidden
... FR forwards all requests and rejects users that are in the local ldap. (That's my very problem.) Just like without "Proxy-To-Realm".

Apart from that, the doc file "proxy" says that the users file is being processed after the proxying. Does this mean that I don't have to configure the proxying in the users file at all?
If I'm completely wrong again could you please give me hints where to search or what to look for?

Thanks for your patience and helpfullness.
Benedikt Panzer

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