We're considering using a front-end radius server instance as a proxy -
which will proxy depending on the user's domain name.

The question I have is to do with concurrency.

As I understand it - if I use a single-threaded radius proxy server - it
will it have to wait for a reply from a proxied request before it can proxy
a second and subsequent requests?

For example:
        * Radius-Proxy proxy server instance forwards radius requests to
Radius-A and Radius-B,
          depending on domain.

        * A request arrives at Radius-Proxy and is determined to go to
Radius-A. It is sent.
          However Radius-A (or its backend) don't reply quickly - taking 5
seconds or more.

        * A second request arrives at Radius-Proxy.

        * Since Radius-Proxy is single threaded it cannot forward the second
           It must wait for the reply from Radius-A or a timeout.

Is this correct? If it is, it would make sense to have a threaded radius
proxy server as the forwarding proxy - perhaps with 3000 threads configured.
It would then take 3000 delayed resoponses to fill exhaust the 3000 threads.

Comments / corrections welcome.


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