> eg: would I have to add the table.
> radcheck
> id - - - - - - - - 4567
> UserName - - user1
> Attribute - - - Calling-Session-Id
> op - - - - - - - :=
> Value - - - - - 000bcdfxxx

I think this example is OK, but the op which should be '==' (':='
always matches and sets a freeradius parameter, I don't think that's
what we're looking for).

> Looking at radacct, I am receiving "CallingStationID" which appears to
> be the mac of the connecting client.

You're right, it is Calling-Station-Id, not session... apologizes.

> Would your suggestion be automatic or would I need to manually add the
> attribute.

I think you can do it automatically, provided your NAS sends
Calling-Station-Id with the authentication request. In this case you
may rewrite the post-auth request to add the row in radcheck (see
sql.conf). But I'm quite new to freeradius, and there may be 2 issues
: I'm not sure wether it's possible to use an INSERT in post-auth, and
I'm not sure wether the NAS will send the calling-station-id with the
authentication-request (but if it doesn't, there will be no
solution...). Anyway, this will be easy to check, but I have no radius
server for the week-end.

If this doesn't work, then you'll have to use a trigger or any other
mean, in order to insert the row in radcheck when the first accounting
start for this user occurs. This would be less convenient, but still
not very complicated.


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