On Thu, 8 Feb 2007, ChristosH wrote:

> Phil Mayers wrote:
>> A stored procedure is one solution to a particular set of problems.
>> Whether it's appropriate depends on what you're trying to do.
>> What do you want to achieve? You can certainly vary the reply info based
>> on NAS without a stored procedure.
> Well, what I want to do is return a different vendor specific response based
> on the NAS IP.  The user data doesn't change depending on the NAS IP, but
> depending on where the user tries to authenticate from they'll have a
> different source NAS IP in the authenticate request packet and my response
> has to return a different response depending on where they are. Right now I
> have only 2 different responses that they could be, so I don't think it
> should be too difficult. Is there a quick workaround?

Okay, so create a table with your NASes, include the IP adderss, include a 
"type" flag.

Create another table with the responses for each type, join to the query 
on the "type" flag.  Use those responses.



"A mother can be an inspiration to her little son, change his thoughts,
his mind, his life, just with her gentle hum."

-No Doubt, "Different People", from "Tragic Kingdom"

--------Dan Mahoney--------
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