
Updated The sql querys to honour priority field, and happily it seems that rlm_sql processes groups in the order they come out of the database... which is good. What the packets below are show, is that if the group with the highest priority has all it's check items match, then it's reply items are added fine.

However if the first group doesn't match then the other groups arn't processed ! So although the user is still authorised via LDAP none of the group reply items are sent :(

If the priority of the groups is reversed, so the 'nas_admins' group comes out of the database first, then the nas_admins reply items work, but the roaming_users group doesn't *sigh*.

Would also appear that CIDR ip notation doesn't work for NAS-IP-Address ... But thats not too bad, as you can stick the relevant NAS's in a huntgroup and check against that instead.

* Confirmed this is broken in branch_1_1
* Confirmed this is fixed in CVS head with group priority being honoured properly.

Don't suppose there's any chance of bringing some of the changes in the CVS Head rlm_sql over to branch_1_1 for the next 1.1.* release is there ? .... Namely the new sql_clients function with the user definable query, and the new groups handling. As the groups handling is a pretty major bug, and i'm sure
anyone else using sql will be having issues with the later releases.

Oh and a huge great big thanks, to whoever fixed rlm_sql in the cvs head ... I think it was Alexander Serkin. :)

*Rad Group Check

SQL query:* SELECT radgroupcheck . id , radgroupcheck . GroupName , radgroupcheck . Attribute , radgroupcheck . Value , radgroupcheck . op FROM radgroupcheck , usergroup WHERE usergroup . UserName = 'ac221' AND usergroup . GroupName = radgroupcheck . GroupName ORDER BY usergroup . priority DESC , radgroupcheck . GroupName LIMIT 0, 30 ;
*Rows:* 2
id      GroupName       Attribute       Value   op
5       roaming_users   Service-Type    Framed-User     ==
1       nas_admins      Service-Type    NAS-Prompt-User         ==

*Rad Group Reply*

*SQL query:* SELECT radgroupreply . id , radgroupreply . GroupName , radgroupreply . Attribute , radgroupreply . Value , radgroupreply . op FROM radgroupreply , usergroup WHERE usergroup . UserName = 'ac221' AND usergroup . GroupName = radgroupreply . GroupName ORDER BY usergroup . priority DESC , radgroupreply . GroupName LIMIT 0, 30 ;
*Rows:* 7
id      GroupName       Attribute       Value   op
3       roaming_users   Tunnel-Type     13      =
4       roaming_users   Tunnel-Medium-Type      6       =
5       roaming_users   Tunnel-Private-Group-ID         134     =
8       roaming_users   Service-Type    4       =
10      roaming_users   Fall-Through    yes     =
1       nas_admins      Service-Type    6       =
9       nas_admins      Fall-Through    yes     =

Sending Access-Request of id 178 to 139.184.**.*** port 1812
       User-Name = "ac221"
       User-Password = "nopassword"
       Service-Type = NAS-Prompt-User
       NAS-IP-Address =
rad_recv: Access-Accept packet from host 139.184.**.***:1812, id=178, length=20

Sending Access-Request of id 225 to 139.184.**.*** port 1812
       User-Name = "ac221"
       User-Password = "nopassword"
       Service-Type = Framed-User
       NAS-IP-Address =
rad_recv: Access-Accept packet from host 139.184.**.***:1812, id=225, length=43
       Tunnel-Type:0 = VLAN
       Tunnel-Medium-Type:0 = IEEE-802
       Tunnel-Private-Group-Id:0 = "134"
       Service-Type = Callback-Framed-User

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