Hi Svend,

> The problem occurs when I want a group to contain several NAS. How can I 
> make freeradius accept the login if the NAS-IP-Address from the user, is 
> one of several listed in a group that a user is member of?

==> read info about checkval module in radiusd.conf.

checkval {
                item-name = NAS-IP-Address
                check-name = NAS-IP-Address
                data-type = ipaddr

* enable the module in section authorize

and in your radgroupcheck you have to do something like this:

mysql> select * from radgroupcheck where attribute like 'NAS-IP-Address';
| id | GroupName     | Attribute      | op | Value           |
| 83 | config_common | NAS-IP-Address | += |         |
| 84 | config_common | NAS-IP-Address | += |         |

then if your your user will be in group called "config_common"(whatever
you choose) then checkval module will perform checking base on multiple 
values found for NAS-IP-Address. Please mind the "op" field especially!

Milan Holub
holub (at) thenet (dot) ch

 TheNet-Internet Services AG,
 im Bernertechnopark, Morgenstr. 129
 CH-3018, Bern, Switzerland
 031 998 4333, Fax 031 998 4330
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