Arran Cudbard-Bell wrote:
> What I was to do now is write out the accounting packet to two detail
> files, something like acct-buffer-sql and acct-buffer-proxy.

  I don't think you need two detail files.

> Use one file to populate our local SQL db, and the other to deal with
> proxying the accounting information back to the home server.

  "forward" to the home server.

> This would mean duplicate accounting-response packets being sent,

  Huh?  No.

> which
> isn't ideal. Is there any way to stop the server sending an accounting
> response packet when it receives the reply from the home server ?

  Set up *one* detail file, and the server will work like this?:

 1. NAS sends Accounting-Request to the server.
 2. The server logs it to "detail" (and SQL, and anywhere else)
 3. The server responds to the NAS with Accounting-Response
 4. The server discovers a packet in the detail file, and reads it
 5. The server decides it has to be proxied
 6. The server proxies it.
 7. The server (eventually) gets a response
 8. The server "responds" to the client.

  Q: What is the client in (8)?
  A: The "detail" file!

  So there *is* an Accounting-Response sent after the reply from the
home server.  But it's sent to the place where the packet came from: the
detail file.

  In this case, the detail file code say "thanks", and doesn't send the
packet anywhere.  This is the Right Thing to do.

  Alan DeKok.
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