did you install FreeRADIUS via yum and a repository
or from source?

Downloaded freeradius-server-2.1.7.tar.gz, extracted to home directory,
and then ./configure, make, make install.

if from the repsository you should have
a selectable service with eg the standard Fedora system startup tools
- maybe they've decided to call it 'freeradius' or 'freeradius2'
rather than radiusd?

There is a "Startup Applications" where I can add programs, but it doesn't start them until you log on to the machine and this doesn't work unless you log into
the gui as root.

if from source, then the install part (make install) wont handle your
OS directory - you'll need to copy the script (and maybe edit it
according to install path choices made) from the contrib directory
eg redhat/rc.radiusd-redhat to the correct place - /etc/init.d/

i'd note now that its not just the startup item - theres also a logrotate
script which ties into the system logrotate cron stuff to ensure that freeradius
logs (eg /var/log/radius/ get rotated when needed - eg each day for 90 days

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