...there was no "userPassword" (or it wasn't readable)

I think I have a problem with Ldap reading the password correctly. If i have read correctly, it needs a clear text password....

Secondly, the debug output you posted returns an "Access-Accept" because, although the LDAP module was unable to see a userPassword attribute on the LDAP entry, a later module sets the Auth-Type to "ntlm_auth" and your server then obeys that.

I shall comment this line out, and try it out today

This is all a non-standard config, so *someone* has configured the server - was it you?

I have been working on configuring the server for a little bit now. I tried following several different online manuals before I consulted the group.

The remote device also told me that the authentication was invalid. I

Well, FreeRadius sent an Access-Accept. What is the remote device? If you hadn't trimmed the debugging output I might be able to suggest more.

The radius server would tell me Access-Accept, but then my remote device would not let me login. The current remote device is a hp pro- curve 5412.

was able to successfully authenticate on this device by using the
local users file(on the radius server).

So compare the reply in that case with the reply in this case, and configure the radius server to send the same attributes.

Will try this today, thank you very much for the informative advice.

- james
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