Oh dear. A lot of the online info is out-of-date or plain wrong.

If you've made a lot of changes, and you're not sure exactly what youve changed and why, my advice would be to start again from scratch. Restore the default configs, and use the following system:

1. Check the config into version control
2. Make ONE and ONLY ONE change
3. Test it
4. Goto step 1

One of the new DVCSes like git/bzr/hg are ideal for this.

The *first* change you want to make is adding a user to the "users" file

username        Cleartext-Password := "password"

Check that what you want to do works with that user. Then you can move onto LDAP. Keeping a dump of the debug output at each step can be handy too - then you can compare them.

Hope this helps.

Phil, Thank you very much the advice worked like a charm, and now I have everything up and running again...

- james

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