On 14 Jan 2013, at 23:35, Tyler Brady <tbr...@stc-comm.com> wrote:

> Can someone help point me in the right direction? LDAP is taking too long to 
> authorize due to something in my configuration. Keep in mind that I am about 
> as newb as you can get when it comes to this stuff. I apologize for my 
> ignorance. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
>   [ldap] Bind was successful
>   [ldap] performing search in DC=company,DC=com, with filter 
> (&(sAMAccountName=RadiusUser))
>   [ldap] rebind to URL 
> ldap://ForestDnsZones.company.com/DC=ForestDnsZones,DC=company,DC=com
>   [ldap] rebind to URL 
> ldap://DomainDnsZones.company.com/DC=DomainDnsZones,DC=company,DC=com
>   [ldap] rebind to URL ldap://company.com/CN=Configuration,DC=company,DC=com
>   [ldap] ldap_release_conn: Release Id: 0
> [files]    expand: 
> (|(&(objectClass=GroupOfNames)(member=%{control:Ldap-UserDn}))(&(objectClass=GroupOfUniqueNames)(uniquemember=%{control:Ldap-UserDn})))
>  -> (|(&(objectClass=GroupOfNames)(member=CN\3dUser 
> Name\2cOU\3dAlaska_Users\2cDC\3dcompany\2cDC\3dcom))(&(objectClass=GroupOfUniqueNames)(uniquemember=CN\3dUser
>  Name\2cOU\3dAlaska_Users\2cDC\3dcompany\2cDC\3dcom)))
>   [ldap] ldap_get_conn: Checking Id: 0
>   [ldap] ldap_get_conn: Got Id: 0
> Should it rebind three times to different ldap URL? If not, how do I change 
> this? I have tried pretty much every BaseDN combination possible.
> Why is it adding  “2c and 3d,” here >>      “ …)(member=CN\3dUser 
> Name\2cOU\3dAlaska_Users\2cDC\3dcompany... ”

Look. This is absolutely not a RADIUS issue, you need to buy a book on LDAP and 
read up on referals, and escaping special characters. Anyone involved in AAA 
needs to know about these fundimental protocols, spoonfeeding you information 
will not help your understanding of them.

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