running bedpostx directly from the command line appears to have worked
>bedpostx dmri

Multiple subjects now have the following files and directories within
their bedpostx directory:
bvals                           mean_ph2samples.nii.gz
bvecs                           mean_th1samples.nii.gz
commands.txt                    mean_th2samples.nii.gz
dyads1.nii.gz                   merged_f1samples.nii.gz
dyads1_dispersion.nii.gz        merged_f2samples.nii.gz
dyads2.nii.gz                   merged_ph1samples.nii.gz
dyads2_dispersion.nii.gz        merged_ph2samples.nii.gz
logs                            merged_th1samples.nii.gz
mean_S0samples.nii.gz           merged_th2samples.nii.gz
mean_dsamples.nii.gz            monitor
mean_f1samples.nii.gz           nodif_brain_mask.nii.gz
mean_f2samples.nii.gz           xfms

I just launched tracula - path, and it appears to be running thus far.
 As Shannon Buckley mentioned previously, it seems like we both
encountered the same issues...

Scott M. Hayes, Ph.D.
Memory Disorders Research Center
Neuroimaging Research Center
VA Boston Healthcare System

Assistant Professor
Department of Psychiatry
Boston University School of Medicine

On Fri, Dec 16, 2011 at 5:31 PM, Anastasia Yendiki
<ayend...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu> wrote:
> Hi Scott - Could you try running bedpostx on the dmri/ directory directly
> and see what if any error you get?
> a.y
> On Fri, 16 Dec 2011, Scott Hayes wrote:
>> Hi,
>> The following files & directories are listed directly under dmri.bedpostX:
>> bvals                   commands.txt            logs
>>  nodif_brain_mask.nii.gz
>> bvecs                   diff_slices             monitor
>> xfms
>> --Scott
>> Anastasia Yendiki
>> Fri, 16 Dec 2011 09:43:47 -0800
>> Hi Scott - Are there any files created directly under dmri.bedpostX?
>> a.y
>> On Fri, 16 Dec 2011, Scott Hayes wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> After I run step 2 of tracula (>trac-all -c config_DTI_B.txt -bedp), I
>>> am missing multiple bedpost output files (e.g., mergedph1samples.nii).
>>> Examining the output, it looks like data from only one slice was
>>> written (dmri.bedpostX/diff_slices/data_slice_0002).  This issue has
>>> replicated across multiple subjects.  I'm processing data locally on
>>> mac os 10.6.8 (16 GB RAM; two 3.2 quadcore processors, which should be
>>> able to handle bedpost), using FSL 4.1.9.  I don't see any errors in
>>> the tracula log files (until I run -path), and no complaints in the
>>> terminal window (which writes:  Queuing parallel processing stage
>>> 0 slices processed
>>> 1 slices processed
>>> 1 slices processed
>>> etc...
>>> Any insight as to what might be causing the issue?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Scott
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