Dear Lilla,

i'm currently applying mri_cvs_register and I'm very happy with the nice 
results. Congratulation for this very clever approach. However, some data sets 
which I work on have still aseg.mgz which are not segmented appropriately. As 
far as I understand aseg.mgz is not redefined after e.g. pial-edits or added 
control points. Thus, I think it might be better to use aparc+aseg or wmparc 
instead of aseg within mri_cvs_register. Taking this into account I have the 
following questions:

1. Do you have experience with mri_cvs_register and --asegfname  Option 
different from aseg? Does it impact the processing time? Are there options, 
which have to be adopted?

2. Since I think it is better to use aseg instead of wmparc, since it contains 
fewer IDs and registration will not be overfitted, is there a convenient way to 
generate a new aseg.mgz, which includes manual corrections like pial edits?

3. The last question regards the norm.mgz ... since it also often contains to 
much (outer brain) volume .. would it be better to mask norm.mgz with (e.g.) 
wmparc or a dilated version of wmparc before using it with mri_cvs_register ?

Thanks you,

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