Hi all,

I have obtained laterality indices using xhemi analyses and would like to
use FDR instead of the mri_glmfit-sim suggested in the xhemi instructions.
I know to get the FDR threshold from tksurfer, but I want to restrict the
clusters to a certain cluster size. Based on a previous thread (
http://www.mail-archive.com/freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/msg23866.html )
I think this should be done using mri_surfcluster but I am having trouble
with the actual commands. I've tried this but it doesn't seem to work:

mri_surfcluster --in glm.lh.lh-rh.thickness.BV.LI.mgh --thmin 2.54 --ocn
ocn.mgh --sum sum.dat --sign abs --minarea 20 --surf fsaverage_sym --hemi

the error = srcsubjid must be supplied

If I'm performing this on a group file (not individual subject), what would
I even input as the subjid? Or do I have this totally wrong?

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