Dear Anastasia et al.

I have data DTI that has multiple b-values. I worked around this by skipping '-tensor', and sym linking 'mean_fsumsamples.nii.gz' to 'dtifit_FA.nii.gz'. However, at the end of 'trac-path', there is an error thrown. Specifically when 'dmri_pathstats' is called, because it is looking for dtifit_{L1, L2, L3, V1, ...}. Do you have a workaround for this? Should I just run dtifit on the data?

Also, merged_avg33_mni_bbr.nii.gz wasn't created, but I was able to create it (I copied the code from around line 400 of 'trac-paths'). When I view it with freeview, though, there is a light blue/greenish background. I assume those voxels are supposed to be 0's, but for some reason aren't here?

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