On 21 March 2016 at 19:59, Francis Tyson Thomas
<francisttho...@email.arizona.edu> wrote:

> The first part was smooth. I got it done pretty quickly (installing CUDA and
> setting it up!). However for the freesurfer portion I have two questions,
> 1. Bruce mentioned in another email thread that v6 beta should be out in a
> week or so after testing is completed. Should I wait for that version,
> assuming I get the source code for v6 when I download it as per the
> instructions on the freesurfer page.

Which version of the source code do you have access to? I'm using the
read-only git repository of the main development trunk, sending
patches back to Zeke, which he puts into CVS. I'm not sure which of
those are making it over to v6.

> 2. Also, would I have to compile and build all modules (mri_em_registe,
> mri_ca_register etc or can I limit to just these two when I build it again.

I imagine you'll have to run configure again. When you do, the key
options you want are:
 --enable-fermi-gpu --with-cuda="/usr/local/cuda"
Note that on my machine:
[rge21@cudastation ~]$ which nvcc
[rge21@cudastation ~]$ ls -alF /usr/local/cuda
lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root 8 Jan  9 16:30 /usr/local/cuda -> cuda-7.5/
So if your CUDA installation went somewhere else, you'll have to
adjust that --with-cuda path.

Then when you compile, make sure the nvcc being used really is the one
you've set (things will likely fail horribly if this isn't the case).
If it isn't, you'll have to look in the configure file for:

# Nvidia CUDA enabling

and then comment out
# with_cuda=""
or it will override the directory you set on the command line.

Let me know if you need further help,

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