Hi Freesurfer People,

The aim is get ROI masks for my functional images and to achieve that for
each of the subjects in my data, I am:

1. Running freesurfer for segmentation of structural scan,
2. Running feat analysis that would give me transformation matrices
including structural2functional and then,
3. I am transforming my masks from step 1 to functional space using flirt.

The first step requires me to use the actual structural image and the
second step won't produce good results if I don't do brain extraction on
the structural image.

Now the problem is, for structural image of one of the subjects, I cannot
get good brain extraction unless I use fslroi to crop the neck out first.
And if I do that, the transformation matrices that I get using resulting
bet image won't be usable with the freesurfer masks that I have obtained
using the uncropped structural image.

And if I try to use fslroi-cropped-structural-image with freesurfer, the
nii2mnc command would produce this error:

$ nii2mnc output_better.nii.gz
> ** ERROR: nifti_image_read(output_better.nii.gz): bad dim[0]
> Segmentation fault (core dumped)

I don't know how am I supposed to fix this issue.

Usman Ayub Sh
Freesurfer mailing list

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