Hello everyone,

I am trying to run a cortical thickness analysis in QDEC. I have recon-all
and qcache but while trying to run asegstats2table, I keep getting the
error-list index out of range.

asegstats2table --subjects 101 102 103 INSP104 INSP105 INSP107 INSP108
INSP109 112 113 114-S 115-S 116-S 117-S INSP119 INSP120 INSP121 INSP122 123
INSP124 125 126 INSP-127 INSP-129 INSP130 INSPD131 INSPD132 133 INSPD134
136 INSP137 INSP138 INSP139 INSP140 INSP141 INSP143 INSP144 --meas volume
--tablefile Vol_HV_stats.txt

SUBJECTS_DIR : /Applications/freesurfer/subjects

Parsing the .stats files

Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "/Applications/freesurfer/bin/asegstats2table", line 548, in <module>

    id_name_map, measurelist = parsed.parse(options.meas)

  File "/Applications/freesurfer/bin/fsutils.py", line 115, in parse

    seg = strlst[1] # segmentation id is in the 2nd field

IndexError: list index out of range.

This does not happen when I run the same command for a separate group of
subjects. The recon-all and qcache ran without error. So I was hoping you
could help me resolve this issue.

Warm Regards

Ayushi Shukla

Research Assistant

National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences

Bangalore, India
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