I am indeed considering LME model since I have multiple visits (4) for each 
subject and multiple groups (3).

Based on your response, I am inclined to include the following.

Intercept - random variable
Slope (time_base_scan) - random variable

As I am including time_base_scan as the random variable, this should take care 
of the timing information. Am I correct in making this assumption?

Moving on to the categorical variables - group and visit.
I want to evaluate the following effects
1. group 
2. visit
3. group and visit

My concern here is how do I design the contrast matrix for this?

I am aware that I have asked more than my fair share of questions and very 
grateful to you for being exceedingly patient in answering them.

> On Apr 9, 2018, at 12:15 PM, Diers, Kersten /DZNE <kersten.di...@dzne.de> 
> wrote:
> ATTENTION: This email originated from a sender outside of MCW. Use caution 
> when clicking on links or opening attachments.
> ________________________________
> Hello,
> this is somewhat difficult to answer, so the following is a personal
> opinion.
> I think the first question is whether your would like to go for a) a
> cross-sectional design or b) a longitudinal design.
> If a), you'd have a single scan per subject (e.g., baseline) and could
> discard the temporal information. So if you do not have a longitudinal
> research question and your goal is to model group differences at a
> single time-point, it is not necessary (and overly complicated,
> actually) to use a LME model.
> If b), you'd have multiple scans per subject, and would therefore use
> the LME model. I would not recommend to exclude the timing information
> from the model / design matrix in this case, no matter how close the
> temporal spacing may be. It is still possible to test for effects other
> than time, e.g. for group differences at baseline.
> Best regards,
> Kersten
> On Mi, 2018-04-04 at 23:37 +0200, Kaushal, Mayank wrote:
>> The continuous variable in my analysis is time_base_scan with the
>> time points evaluated by me being of acute and subacute nature.
>> However, due to the small differences in time elapsed between
>> successive visits (duration between visits is a couple of weeks), is
>> it possible to simply model LME analysis around categorical variables
>> without including continuous variables?
>> More specifically, I want to see the effect of group. Further, I
>> don’t intend to include time_base_scan as a continuous variable.
>> What would the contrasts used by me to evaluate a categorial
>> variable?
>> Further, my analysis includes three groups. So, my understanding is
>> that evaluating group as a categorical variable would’ve no bearing
>> on the column composition of X and they would remain the same as
>> mentioned in my previous mail.
>> The columns in X are as follows:
>> Column 1: intercept
>> Column 2: time_base_scan (This signifies the time elapsed from the
>> base scan in days. Each subject had upto 4 visits with scans
>>                 undertaken on each visit. For the scan taken on the
>> first visit 0 was entered in the qdec.dat.table file)
>> Column 3: age1stscan (This is the age of the subject at first scan)
>> Column 4: group 1 (Value of 1 entered in this column if the subject
>> belonged to group 1 and value of 0 entered in column 5 that signifies
>> group 2)
>> Column 5: group 2 (Value of 1 entered in this column if the subject
>> belonged to group 2  and value of 0 entered in column 4 that
>> signifies group 1)
>> Mayank
>> On Mar 30, 2018, at 6:30 AM, Diers, Kersten /DZNE <Kersten.Diers@dzne
>> .de<mailto:kersten.di...@dzne.de>> wrote:
>> ATTENTION: This email originated from a sender outside of MCW. Use
>> caution when clicking on links or opening attachments.
>> ________________________________
>> Hello,
>> please find my responses below.
>> Best regards,
>> Kersten
>> On Do, 2018-03-29 at 00:11 +0200, Kaushal, Mayank wrote:
>> Hi Kersten,
>> Apologies for the delay. I am still in the process of trying to
>> figure out the gaps in my understanding and would appreciate your
>> inputs.
>> I created the design X from M using: X = [ones(length(M),1) M
>> M(:,1).*M(:,3) M(:,1).*M(:,4)];
>> The columns in X are as follows:
>> Column 1: intercept
>> Column 2: time_base_scan (This signifies the time elapsed from the
>> base scan in days. Each subject had upto 4 visits with scans
>>                  undertaken on each visit. For the scan taken on the
>> first visit 0 was entered in the qdec.dat.table file)
>> Column 3: age1stscan (This is the age of the subject at first scan)
>> Column 4: group 1 (Value of 1 entered in this column if the subject
>> belonged to group 1 and value of 0 entered in column 5 that signifies
>> group 2)
>> Column 5: group 2 (Value of 1 entered in this column if the subject
>> belonged to group 2  and value of 0 entered in column 4 that
>> signifies group 1)
>> Column 6: Column 2 (time_base_scan) x Column 4 (group 1)
>> Column 7: Column 2 (time_base_scan) x Column 4 (group 2)
>> So my understanding is that subjects belonging to group 3 have 0 in
>> both columns 4 and 5 and consequently, columns 6 and 7 would also be
>> 0 for them. This would be translated by matlab lme toolbox while
>> doing spatiotemporal analysis. Is my understanding correct?
>> Yes, this is correct, apart probably from a little typo:
>> Column 7 should read: " Column 2 (time_base_scan) x Column 5 (group
>> 2)"
>> (group2 is column 5, not 4, in X; please adapt your design matrix if
>> necessary)
>> Group 3 will be your reference group then, and will implicitly
>> modeled by this design matrix. I speculate this is what you mean by
>> 'translated'.
>> I have attached X as well as M as separate excel files for your
>> consideration.
>> In addition, I have attached qdec.dat.table file as well a word doc
>> labeled “workflow” that detail the order of matlab functions I have
>> used to perform the analysis.
>> My objective is to highlight clusters that are significantly
>> different between the groups over time using spatiotemporal analysis.
>> The contrasts used by me for the analysis: CM.C = [0 0 0 0 0 1 0; 0 0
>> 0 0 0 -1 1]
>> Kindly comment on my choice of contrasts. Is this the correct choice
>> for contrasts if I want to find significant clusters based on
>> cortical thickness between all three groups over time?
>> Yes, the contrast is also correct for your purpose. It will identify
>> regions in which cortical thickness changes across time differ
>> between groups.
>> Mayank
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