It is showing you the map of the first frame (subject in this case). You can adjust the frame with a slider on the left. Also, there is a time plot icon on the top. If you click on that it will show you a graph of the subjects at the chosen vertex.

On 8/10/18 8:16 AM, Alon Baram wrote:

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I want to overlay the .mgh file which is the output of mris_preproc in freeview on the fsaverage surface. This file has (according to mri_info) the dimensions Nverteces x 1 x 1 x Nsubjects: my data in fsaverage space for each of my subjects. But when I load it in freeview I can only see one value in each vertex.

Is there a way to view "4D" (it's actually 2D: Nverteces x Nsubjects) data in Freeview? If not, what is the single value (per vertex) that freeview chooses to show me? is it just the data from the first subject? I tried to look in the documentation for any clues about viewing time-series data in Freeview, but failed.

I would also be very happy to understand what is the best way to save this 4D .mgh file in a format that I can then import it into Matlab.

Thanks for the help!

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