That looks like the terminal output for qdec. You cannot use qdec with 
your design. If you have questions about the FSGD, I'll be happy to 
answer them.

On 10/16/2018 11:00 AM, vittal korann wrote:
>         External Email - Use Caution
> Hi Doug,
> Thank you for your response.
> I tried the link which you sent yesterday. But got stuck while 
> creating qdec.fsgd file.
> Below i have pasted the terminal output after loading the data.
> 1  Left-Lateral-Ventricle  continuous 0
> 2  Left-Inf-Lat-Vent  continuous 0
> 3  Left-Cerebellum-White-Matter  continuous 0
> 4  Left-Cerebellum-Cortex  continuous 0
> 5  Left-Thalamus-Proper  continuous 0
> 6  Left-Caudate  continuous 0
> 7  Left-Putamen  continuous 0
> 8  Left-Pallidum  continuous 0
> 9  3rd-Ventricle  continuous 0
> 10  4th-Ventricle  continuous 0
> 11  Brain-Stem  continuous 0
> 12  Left-Hippocampus  continuous 0
> 13  Left-Amygdala  continuous 0
> 14  CSF  continuous 0
> 15  Left-Accumbens-area  continuous 0
> 16  Left-VentralDC  continuous 0
> 17  Left-vessel  continuous 0
> 18  Left-choroid-plexus  continuous 0
> 19  Right-Lateral-Ventricle  continuous 0
> 20  Right-Inf-Lat-Vent  continuous 0
> 21  Right-Cerebellum-White-Matter continuous 0
> 22  Right-Cerebellum-Cortex  continuous 0
> 23  Right-Thalamus-Proper  continuous 0
> 24  Right-Caudate  continuous 0
> 25  Right-Putamen  continuous 0
> 26  Right-Pallidum  continuous 0
> 27  Right-Hippocampus  continuous 0
> 28  Right-Amygdala  continuous 0
> 29  Right-Accumbens-area  continuous 0
> 30  Right-VentralDC  continuous 0
> 31  Right-vessel  continuous 0
> 32  Right-choroid-plexus  continuous 0
> 33  WM-hypointensities  continuous 0
> 34  Optic-Chiasm  continuous 0
> 35  CC_Posterior  continuous 0
> 36  CC_Mid_Posterior  continuous 0
> 37  CC_Central  continuous 0
> 38  CC_Mid_Anterior  continuous 0
> 39  CC_Anterior  continuous 0
> 40  diagnosis  discrete 2
>     1  Schizophrenia
>     2  Control
> 41  Age  continuous 0
> 42  Birthplace  discrete 3
>     1  Statutory
>     2  Census
>     3  Rural
> 43  Upbringingplace discrete 3
>     1  Statutory
>     2  Census
>     3  Rural
> 44  Livingplace  discrete 3
>     1  Statutory
>     2  Census
>     3  Rural
>                 Continuous Factors:  Mean:       StdDev:
>                 -------------------  -----       -------
>              Left-Lateral-Ventricle 6784.459      3582.583
>                   Left-Inf-Lat-Vent  363.189       163.344
>        Left-Cerebellum-White-Matter  13393.085      2875.553
>              Left-Cerebellum-Cortex  50654.337      7634.479
>                Left-Thalamus-Proper 7044.259      1254.886
>                        Left-Caudate 3267.819       728.738
>                        Left-Putamen 5221.959       863.333
>                       Left-Pallidum 1961.781       357.087
>                       3rd-Ventricle 1068.711       447.579
>                       4th-Ventricle 1673.963       641.339
>                          Brain-Stem  18975.526      3907.934
>                    Left-Hippocampus 3852.407       684.810
>                       Left-Amygdala 1625.463       378.770
>                                 CSF  983.626       305.507
>                 Left-Accumbens-area  587.848       155.803
>                      Left-VentralDC 3977.841       673.114
>                         Left-vessel 28.378        21.035
>                 Left-choroid-plexus  558.441       330.333
>             Right-Lateral-Ventricle 6224.989      3745.143
>                  Right-Inf-Lat-Vent  440.070       168.625
>       Right-Cerebellum-White-Matter  13111.263      2744.138
>             Right-Cerebellum-Cortex  52495.385      7167.728
>               Right-Thalamus-Proper 6732.170      1748.668
>                       Right-Caudate 3305.363       949.074
>                       Right-Putamen 4908.819      1155.840
>                      Right-Pallidum 1774.204       489.167
>                   Right-Hippocampus 3766.470      1019.353
>                      Right-Amygdala 1686.874       437.019
>                Right-Accumbens-area  539.763       151.780
>                     Right-VentralDC 3818.130       666.970
>                        Right-vessel 23.344        16.649
>                Right-choroid-plexus  620.948       414.269
>                  WM-hypointensities 4434.148     10311.009
>                        Optic-Chiasm  198.937        65.369
>                        CC_Posterior  973.467       157.378
>                    CC_Mid_Posterior  637.400       597.617
>                          CC_Central  625.374       497.642
>                     CC_Mid_Anterior  681.052       419.940
>                         CC_Anterior  870.274       237.412
>                                 Age 31.963         7.019
> Number of subjects:   27
> Number of factors:    44 (4 discrete, 40 continuous)
> Number of classes:    54
> Number of regressors: 2214
> ============================================================
> Data table loading completed successfully.
> SUBJECTS_DIR is '/usr/local/freesurfer/subjects'
> lh-Avg-Intercept-thickness -----------------------
> Does the average thickness differ from zero?
> Nuisance factors: Age
>  1.000   1.000   0.000   0.000   0.000  0.000;
> lh-Avg-thickness-Right-Amygdala-Cor -----------------------
> Does the correlation between thickness and Right-Amygdala, accounting 
> for diagnosis, differ from zero?
> Nuisance factors: Age
>  0.000   0.000   1.000   1.000   0.000  0.000;
> lh-Diff-Schizophrenia-Control-Intercept-thickness -----------------------
> Does the average thickness differ between Schizophrenia and Control?
> Nuisance factors: Age
>  1.000  -1.000   0.000   0.000   0.000  0.000;
> lh-Diff-Schizophrenia-Control-Cor-thickness-Right-Amygdala 
> -----------------------
> Does the thickness--Right-Amygdala correlation differ between 
> Schizophrenia and Control?
> Nuisance factors: Age
>  0.000   0.000   1.000  -1.000   0.000  0.000;
> I highlighted the discrete factors in yellow color. I wanted to know 
> how to go about this classes such as birthplace, living and upbringing 
> place.
> Also, let us know whether the below-pasted information is in the right 
> format for qdec.fsgd file??
> Here we have birth, living and upbringing places as main classes and 
> statutory, census and rural as subclasses. So, my question is that the 
> below-pasted classes are ok or not??
> If not, just needed your assistance to create fsgd file along with 
> contrasts files.
> Finally, can I use the qdec gui for this analysis or just the 
> command-line?
> */GroupDescriptorFile 1/*
> */Title Untitled/*
> */MeasurementName thickness/*
> */Class BirthplaceStatutory/*
> */Class BirthplaceCensus/*
> */Class BirthplaceRural/*
> */Class UpbringingplaceStatutory/*
> */Class UpbringingplaceCensus/*
> */Class UpbringingplaceRural/*
> */Class LivingplaceStatutory/*
> */Class LivingplaceCensus/*
> */Class LivingplaceRural/*
> */# Class schizophrenia/*
> */# Class control/*
> */Input 1 BirthplaceStatutory UpbringingplaceStatutory 
> LivingplaceStatutory/*
> */Input 3 BirthplaceCensus UpbringingplaceCensus LivingplaceCensus/*
> */Input 4 BirthplaceRural UpbringingplaceRural LivingplaceRural/*
> */Input 5 BirthplaceStatutory UpbringingplaceStatutory 
> LivingplaceStatutory/*
> */Input 6 BirthplaceRural UpbringingplaceCensus LivingplaceCensus/*
> */Input 7 BirthplaceCensus UpbringingplaceCensus LivingplaceCensus/*
> */Input 8 BirthplaceRural UpbringingplaceRural LivingplaceRural/*
> */Input 9 BirthplaceRural UpbringingplaceRural LivingplaceCensus/*
> */Input 10 BirthplaceStatutory UpbringingplaceStatutory 
> LivingplaceStatutory/*
> */Input 11 BirthplaceStatutory UpbringingplaceStatutory 
> LivingplaceCensus/*
> */Input 13 BirthplaceCensus UpbringingplaceCensus LivingplaceCensus/*
> */Input 14 BirthplaceCensus UpbringingplaceCensus LivingplaceCensus/*
> */Input 15 BirthplaceCensus UpbringingplaceCensus LivingplaceCensus/*
> */Input 18 BirthplaceRural UpbringingplaceCensus LivingplaceCensus/*
> */
> /*
> */Thank you/*
> */
> /*
> */Best/*
> */Vittal/*
> */
> /*
> On Mon, Oct 15, 2018 at 7:45 PM vittal korann < 
> <>> wrote:
>     Hi Doug,
>     Recently I started working on freesurfer for volume based
>     analysis. For QDEC, I need to include more than 2 variables. For
>     example if I include patients who hail from different places like
>     statutory town, census town and rural. In present scenario, can I
>     include all three as covariates.
>     Here is the error that qdec showing while running GLM:
>     "ERROR: Subject 2 seems to have a mismatched number of discrete
>     factors (expected 4, found 1)"
>     "Reading source surface
>     /usr/local/freesurfer/subjects/fsaverage/surf/lh.white
>     ERROR: no contrasts specified."
>     "Error in Analyze: command fai;ed mri_glmfit --y
>     /usr/local/freesurfer/subjects/qdec/qdecAnalys/y.mgh --fsgd
>     /usr/local/freesurfer/subjects/qdec/qdecAnalys/qdec.fsgd dods -glmdir
>     /usr/local/freesurfer/subjects/qdec/qdecAnalys/ -surf fsaverage lh
>     -label
>     /usr/local/freesurfer/subjects/fsaverage/label/lh.aparc.label"
>     Could you help us out in this regard.
>     Would appreciate any help!!
>     Korann
>     */
>     /*
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