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I have R1 values that I want to resample onto the cortical surface. The R1 
values were computed from a multi echo

T1 sequence that was also used to create the T1 weighted image that was used in 
recon-all to produce the cortical surface reconstructions

and thus is inherently in registration to the 001.mgz that was used to start 
recon. There will be a difference in orientation in the volume

in that orig.mgz is in coronal and in the .mgz format.

I was thinking that if I run the first step of recon-all it should give me an 
volume named orig.mgz that is in registration to the freesurfer space

for the subject ... or else some call to mri_convert reslice_as or whatever is 
used in the recon-all script to convert 001.mgz to orig.mgz

then my problem is to get a file with the resampling of the R1 onto the 
cortical surface withR1 values at each vertex.

when i work with fmri data I run bbregister and get the transformation from the 
epi volume to the freesurfer space and then use

mri_vol2surf --mov sig.nii \to resample the data onto the cortical surface
    --reg bb.register.dat \
    --projfrac 0.5 --interp nearest \
    --hemi lh --o lh.sig.mgh

to resample the epi data onto the cortical surface. however in this case the R1 
is already in perfect registration to the T1 other than the reorientation and 
done to prepare the orig.mgz volume.

so can someone tell me what is the proper way to cook this goose


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