External Email - Use Caution        

Dear FreeSurfer Experts,

I have some baseline and follow-up MRI scans that I would like to process 
through the longitudinal stream.

Some of the baseline images were originally in Analyze format (LAS orientation) 
and were converted into nifti (keeping the LAS orientation) and then processed 
through the recon-all stream (and edited). A few other baseline images were 
instead in nifti format (RAS orientation). The follow-up images were all in 
nifti format (RAS orientation) and were as well processed through the recon-all 
stream and edited. 

For all the images that were originally in Analyze format at baseline and 
converted in nifti, the within subject template (base) failed,  i.e., the 
surfaces clearly do not properly follow the WM and GM boundaries. Instead, for 
the baseline images that were in nifti format the template looks fine.

Given that the problem arose only with the Analyze images, could the different 
orientation (LAS and RAS) explain the issue? If so, is it possible to flip the 
orientation after the preprocessing, keeping the edits that were made on the 
pial of the baseline images?

Apologies if any of these questions was already asked but I couldn’t find an 

Thank you very much,


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