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I have run recon-all on T1 scans of patients with WM lesions. I noticed
however that for some patients the lesion is excluded from
aparc.a2009s+aseg.mgz but for other patients it is included (and labelled
as non-lesion).
Ultimately I'd like to extract a) volume information in WM and b) volume
information of the WM lesion. I think I can get the the WM volume from the
wmparc.stats file. For the lesion volume I think I can take the
WM-hypointensities from the aseg file right? However I noticed that if a
lesion is on the right hemisphere, the Right-WM-hypointensities shows 0s in
all columns, which cannot be right.
I have a mask of the lesion (1s where lesion occurs, 0s elsewhere) in
anatomical space, can I use this mask somehow in FS to inform recon-all
where the lesion occurs?
Thanks in advance!
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